Anyway I came away from that evening with an entry to a Castle Series triathlon event, Laura and Katie convinced me that The Bastion was the one to do. Now The Bastion is their iron distance event based at Hever Castle and as such seemed like a good idea, when will I ever learn!
On the 3 other occasions that I have entered an iron distance event I have had over a year to contemplate what I have done, this time though the event was only about 19 weeks away, fortunately I am still riding to work regularly and running a few half marathons and Brighton Marathon so all I needed was to get back into swimming.
As the event was quite local it was a much more relaxed affair for me that previous events and I could stay at home and sleep in my own bed the night before, bonus.
I arrived at registration in good time and found my way around before Laura and her team arrived, they were doing the relay with Charlotte in the swim, Cathy on the bike and Laura doing the run. We had a quick look at the lake and the swim exit before making our way to the briefing. After the briefing and quick walk around the transition areas I was off home for a good nights sleep.
The morning of the race was here and after a shortish drive to the castle and final preparations it was into my wetsuit ready for the start.
I started as usual not being able to swim properly, I have never really got the hang of open water swimming after my nightmare at The Outlaw, anyway after a while I was getting into a bit of a rhythm and actually about half way round the first lap of the swim found myself in uncharted territory, I was actually enjoying the swim!
As I came up to go under the bridge and back into the lake to start my 2nd lap I could see Amanda and George on the bridge cheering me on, the 2nd lap came and went with as much enjoyment as the 1st then I was out on the run to transition.
Having changed into my bike kit I was off on my way, at first it seemed like we were going uphill forever but it was a good ride through the Ashdown forest, I'm sure I heard Winnie the Pooh cheering us all on from the woods!
There did seem to be more up hill sections that down hill which I guess on a circular route is not really possible! I came past the castle I think just over 2 hours after I started on the bike and with my impaired brain function was calculating that I would struggle to make the bike cut off time.
About half way round the 2nd lap I passed Cathy on one of the downhill sections only for her to come back past me on the next uphill, this game of leapfrog carried on for the next lap and a half with Cathy finally getting the better of me just before transition.
As I arrived back at the bike finish my supporters had swelled in numbers with the arrival of Jennie and Dave, I was hoping that Dave was going to take over and do the run but apparently I had to do the lot!
After depositing my bike with the team I was into the tent to change into running gear before setting off on the final part of the event. Amanda, George, Jennie and Dave were all there cheering me on as I shuffled my way around the course.
I managed the 1st lap in about 1.30 and again my muddled brain was worrying that I wouldn't make the final cutoff at 9.30pm. As I went round the course lots of fellow competitors were issuing words of encouragement and I must apologise for not having the ability to respond with other than a mumbled cheers!
I made it round onto the final lap well before the 9.30 cutoff and was issued my final band and a headtorch, I was definitely going to finish now!
As I came round to the final stretch one of the event team came down to meet me and give me some company up the final section, as we hit the last straight home I was determined to run the last section and, with the words of caution about the bridge and change of surface from my companion for the last few hundred metres, I was off down the finish chute to an amazing amount of noise from all the spectators that were still there. A few high fives from the team on the corner and onto the finish line with tape to run through, then my medal and handshake of congratulations from the race director, I had finished what was definitely my toughest event!
I had been told that the Castle Series of triathlons are great events and now having done one I can confirm that they really are, they are well organised and most definitely are more athlete focussed than some other events.
Thanks must go to all the marshals that were out around the whole course not only showing us which way to go and providing drinks and food but all of them without exception were so cheery and full of words of encouragement, without them the event would have been so much harder!
Thanks also to Amanda and George for getting up at silly o'clock to come and support me round the course. Dave and Jennie for turning out to cheer me on, Cathy for our game of cycle leapfrog on the bike course, even though she didn't initially realise it was me! and to the organisers who put on a fantastic event.
Finally thanks to Laura (yes I nicked the photo from you), although I am never buying any more raffle tickets from you!!