I first
heard about the Brighton Marathon from Dave, I had missed the entry but as it
was the first year and the race was a week before London the organisers had a
deal where if you entered and then got into London you could get a refund. They
then sold these places in a second phase and I managed to grab a spot.
Working for
one of the Virgin companies I was then given a place in London so I ended up
having 2 marathons a week apart. My first Brighton Marathon was completed in 5
hours and 12 seconds, I was so disappointed to miss the 4 hour bracket by such
a small margin.
Having run
the first event I felt compelled to enter again in following years and it became
an annual trek to take part in what is a wonderful event.
It was at
Brighton that I first met Jenni Falconer, she was there working for Channel 4
who were covering the event. I knew she was running London the following week
and wanted to say good luck, she was so friendly asking about how the run was.
I follow Jenni on social media and am amazed by the energy that she has for
running and keeping fit, really inspiring.
I think it
was the following year that I really struggling with an injury and collapsed as
soon as I crossed the line but somehow I had managed a PB
So fast
forward to year 9 and I had a really tough time at both Brighton and London to
the extent that I decided that I was not going to run many more. I had to take
part in Brighton number 10 though having completed the previous 9.
Those of us who had completed the first 9 events all had
an email before the event to say that we were getting special silver numbers to
signify we were 10/10 runners, an extra bonus was that we didn’t have to queue
at the main number collection point. We were all allowed into the VIP area
before the start which was great smaller queues for toilets and a fast track
area for the start.
Arriving at
Preston Park I saw Anna from the running channel interviewing Pikachu followed
by 3 of the characters from Sesame Street, we had a quick chat before she had
to head off to drop her camera kit at the media compound ready for her to run the Marathon as well.
I managed to catch up with Martine and exchange good lucks as well before she headed off to the start ready to take on the 10K.
I found my way to the VIP area which all the 10/10 runners had been given access to, grabbed a coffee had a mill around before meeting up with a group of fellow 10/10 runners that are part of the Brighton Marathon Ever Presence group on Facebook for a group photo.
Then drop the bag at the special bag drop and over to the start area, which being in the VIP area meant we were moved to the start line in front of our coloured coral. Then it was time for the off and we were treading a familiar route now for the 10th year.
Martine had finished her 10K and was out on the course supporting the marathon runners a quick high five and on I went.
From the start I was feeling quite good and around Mile 7 I caught up with Anna and had a quick chat, I was feeling quite good at this point which was an improvement on last year.
Then I got to half way and things started to hurt a bit, as I went out towards mile 15 my legs were telling me they had had enough and what was I thinking! Anna came back past me at some point, giving me some encouraging words, we then leapfrogged a bit for the next few miles before she finally left me behind going out towards the Shoreham end of the route.
Turning to come back towards the finish was hard, the wind was in our faces and it was a real struggle to keep moving forwards, coming towards the end of that section there was Martine again giving encouragement and a hug to give me a boost to get on towards the finish.
Eventually the finish was in sight and I crossed the line in 04:29:58 just breaking the 4.5 hrs mark that I was aiming for when I started to struggle just after halfway, at the start I was hoping to get close to 4 hours. Crossing the line and I was ushered to a separate area to be given a special 10/10 finishers shirt and Medal before heading down to collect my bag.
So having run one event I had 2 medals, result!
I had signed up to be part of a medical study which had involved giving blood and wee samples at registration and then again after the finish, so I headed towards their tent to be suitably drained of a few tubes of blood, this meant sitting down which was really hard, not the sitting but the standing up after!!
As I left the finish area and into the village I called in at the Running Channel's tent to have a quick catch up with Anna again before finally heading for home.
So that was it 10 Brighton Marathons completed, over the years there have been quite a few changes, hydration provided in bottles to pouches to the cups that have been used for the last couple of years, changes in the start corals and a few minor changes to the route. I have enjoyed most of the time at Brighton but I have to say my legs are starting to complain about the distance, nothing to do with Brighton just the Marathon in general. My PB is still from Brighton, I think that was the year that I had an injury and collapsed at the finish!
The crowds at Brighton are amazing all out lining the streets armed with various Jelly Babies, other sweets and oranges, without them I would not have got around all of the 10 events, it is amazing how much of a boost they can give you.
As always a massive thanks must go out to the Organisers and Marshall's who make the event what it is, thanks to Martine for all her encouragement in the lead up to the event and on the day especially at the end of the "Highway to Hell". Thanks to Anna for her encouragement before and during the event! Thanks to Dave for getting me into the first running of the event and for always being there supporting me through the running either in person or through messages. Thanks to Jenni for her encouragement on social media and for not laughing when I collapsed over the line in front of her that year!
Finally thanks to Amanda for putting up with me doing these daft events and then not being able to walk properly for a couple of days afterwards, I think it is time to listen to her and my body and stick to Half's. That is unless Jenni takes me up on the I'll do it if you do challenge for MDS, although I will need to find a sponsor to pay the entrance fee for that one!!